Theater Artist & Writer
2013: Common Words, a play by José Triana (Cuba). North Carolina: The Mercurian: A Theatrical Translation Review,Volume 4, Number 4, December.
2004: Saying Yes, a short play by Griselda Gámbaro (English translation). PAJ (A Journal of Performance and Art), MIT Press, No. 76.
1991: Book of the Ocean, book of verse by Enrique Juncosa (English translation). Málaga: Dador Press
1988: Hispanic Theatre in the United States and Puerto Rico, by Joanne Pottlitzer. New York: The Ford Foundation
1971: El Topo, a screenplay by Alejandro Jodorowsky (English translation). New York: Douglas Books
1970: Man Does Not Die by Bread Alone by Jorge Díaz and From 7:15 to 8:00, the Entrance is Through the Hoop by Rafael Alvarado (English translations). The Drama Review (T46), dedicated to Latin American theatre. New York University Press
2019: "Eugenio Dittborn, Visual Artist: Excerpt from Symbols of Resistance: The Legacy of Artists under Pinochet (1973-1990)," Review 98: Literature and Arts of the Americas, Vol. 52, No. 1, published by Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, and The City College of New York, June 2019.
2018: Leonora Carrington: An "Ordinary" Exorcist, essay published in the catalog of Carrington's retrospective, "Leonora Carrington, Cuentos Mágicos," at MAM, the Museo de Arte Moderno in Mexico City and MARCO, the Museo de Arte Contemporáneo in Monterrey, México
2014: “Forgetting Filled with Memory,” reprint (in Polish) of the essay along with the text of Guillermo Calderón’s play, Villa+Discurso, in Dialog, a Monthly Devoted to Contemporary Drama, Warsaw.
​2013: “Infinite Shades of Grey,” an essay on the Chilean theatre group TeatroCinema and its play, Historia de amor (Love Story). Edinburgh International Festival Programme.
2013: “Forgetting Filled with Memory,” updated essay on Guillermo Calderón’s play, Villa+Discurso. Theater, The Yale University School of Drama quarterly, Duke University Press. (Click here to view)
2012: “Forgetting Filled with Memory.” Edinburgh International Festival Programme.
2011: Two scenes from Joanne’s translation of José Triana’s Palabras comunes (Common Words). Review, literary and arts magazine published by the Americas Society, New York.
2010: “A Serious Man of the Theatre,” an essay on Chilean playwright/director Guillermo Calderón. Edinburgh International Festival Programme. (Click here to view)
2010: “Augusto Boal (1931-2009),” memories of Brazilian director/playwright Augusto Boal. Theater, The Yale University School of Drama quarterly, Duke University Press. (Click here to view)
2007: “José Triana: Integral Poet,” intro to Joanne’s translation of Ricard Salvat’s 2004 interview with Triana in the journal l’Associació i Experimentació Teatral. The Drama Review, MIT Press (T194). (Click here to view)
2004: “Latin America: The Poor Relative in U.S. Drama Schools.” Theatre Journal, Johns Hopkins University Press, October.
2004: “Griselda Gámbaro’s Theatre of Violence,” intro to Joanne’s translation of Gámbaro’s play, Saying Yes. PAJ (A Journal of Performance and Art), MIT Press, No. 76.
2003: “Lotty Rosenfeld, Visual Artist,” piece on Chilean visual artist Rosenfeld. Review, literary and arts magazine published by the Americas Society, New York.
2002: One entry in the Encyclopedia of World Theatre. London: Continuum.
2002: Four entries in Censorship: An International Encyclopedia, Derek Jones, editor. London: Fitzroy Dearborn Publishers.
2001: “Playing the Game of Expression: 4 Artists’ Stories” (excerpts from Joanne’s upcoming book, Symbols of Resistance: The Legacy of Artists under Pinochet). Theater, Yale University School of Drama. (Click here to view)
2001: “Under the Music: Signs of Resistance under Pinochet” Part I and Part II (excerpts from Symbols of Resistance: The Legacy of Artists under Pinochet). Crimes of War magazine, American University. (Click here to view)
2000: “A Long-Deferred Museum in Honor of Allende.” New York Times, Arts Abroad column, The Arts Section (Section E, page 2), Thursday, Jan. 6. (Click here to view)
1992-1988: “Dialogue in Bethlehem,” October, 1992 (Click here to view); “Playing by New Rules: The Arts in Chile’s New Democracy,” December, 1991 (Click here to view); “Brazil’s Antunes Filho: A Tao for Actors,” Feb., 1990 (Click here to view); “The No Vote,” Dec., 1988 (Click here to view). American Theatre, Theatre Communications Group, New York.
1983-1982: Theatre critic for Other Stages, New York.
1981: “TOLA: The First 14 Years.” Theatre in the Americas, published by TOLA (Theatre of Latin America, Inc.)
1980: “Escenarios” (monthly column). Soho Weekly News, New York.
1979: “Plays by Neighbors North and South.” New York Times, Sunday Arts & Leisure Section, June 10. (Click here to view)
1972: “Stages of Change: A Look at U.S. Theatre.” Theatre en Pologne, Warsaw: Polish Center of International Theatre Institute, November-December.
1970: Special Editor of The Drama Review (T46), dedicated to Latin American theatre. New York University Press. Also translated the plays Man Does Not Die by Bread Alone by Jorge Díaz and From 7:15 to 8:00, the Entrance is Through the Hoop by Rafael Alvarado
1969: “Viva la Revelation!” Theatre 2, The American Theatre 68-69, U.S. Center of ITI (International Theatre Institute).