Theater Artist & Writer
2019: Special Award for Outstanding Work from the League of Professional Theatre Women.
2016-2013: Three to five-week writing residencies at the MacDowell Colony, the Millay Colony, VCCA (Virginia Center for the Creative Arts), Ragdale in Lake Forest, Illinois, Saltonstall Foundation for the Arts near Ithaca, NY, to work on her book, Symbols of Resistance: The Legacy of Artists under Pinochet and her play, Between Hope and Freedom, based on the book.
2013: Fitt Artist-in-Residence Grant, Theatre Arts and Performance Studies and Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies, Brown University, month of September
2010: Open Society Institute, Latin American Program. Grant to support the eventual translation into Spanish of her book, Symbols of Resistance: The Legacy of Artists under Pinochet
2009: NEA Translation Grant, Literature Program, to translate José Triana’s play, Palabras comunes, into English
2007: Ford Foundation Individual Grant (Andean Regional Office) to travel to Chile for work on her book, Symbols of Resistance: The Legacy of Artists under Pinochet
2006: Distinguished Alumni Award from the School of Liberal Arts, Purdue University
2004: Four-week writing residency in Bellagio, Italy, from The Rockefeller Foundation, to work on her book, Symbols of Resistance
2001: Award from the Permanent Representative of Chile to the United Nations “acknowledging and in appreciation of contributions toward restoring democracy in Chile”
1995: Extension of her Fulbright Award to continue research on book
1995: Visiting Faculty Fellowship from Notre Dame University’s Kellogg Institute of International Studies for one semester to continue research on book
1994: Fulbright Lecture/Research Award (Chile) for six months to begin research on book and to teach a course in playwriting at the theatre department of the University of Chile, Santiago
1989: Translation Commission, from National Theatre Translation Fund and NYSCA, to translate from the Portuguese Nelson2Rodrigues, an adaptation by Antunes Filho of two Rodrigues plays
1988: Fulbright Award (Chile) to direct Frankie and Johnny in the Claire de Lune with El Nuevo Grupo and give a seminar on U.S. theatre at the Catholic University, Santiago, Chile
1988: New York State Council on the Arts Individual Artist Commission to work on her play, Paper Wings, about Frida Kahlo
1985: NEA Translation Fellowship, Theatre Program, to translate Mario Vargas Llosa’s play, Kathie y el hipopótamo into English
1981: Four Travel & Study Awards from the Ford Foundation (between 1968 and 1981)
1979: The Villager Award for Theatre in the Americas Festival
1976: Obie Award for Chile, Chile!, directed by Joseph Chaikin
1975: Individual Artist Award (Theatre), from National Endowment for the Arts
1972: Obie Award for A Latin American Fair of Opinion, directed by Augusto Boal
1963: Fulbright-Hays Scholarship to complete M.A. in Madrid
1962: Rotary International Fellowship to study Chilean theatre in Santiago, Chile